Study at Boston University in USA with scholarship
In the era of globalization, many students in the country aim to obtain a degree from an internationally renowned university. And in the
In the era of globalization, many students in the country aim to obtain a degree from an internationally renowned university. And in the
France is one of the oldest countries in the world. The country’s education system is also one of the best in the world.
The European research organization ‘European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)’ is offering free internship opportunities to international students. Undergraduate and postgraduate students from
প্রথম বাংলাদেশি হিসেবে ২৭ দিনের অভিযানে গিয়ে নেপালের ৩টি ছয় হাজার মিটার পর্বত চূড়া স্পর্শ করছেন রাজশাহী পলিটেকনিক ইন্সটিটিউটের আহ্সানুজ্জামান তৌকির, কোন শেরপা
দুর্ঘটনায় গুরুতর আহত চিকিৎসাধীন অসচ্ছল পরিবারের মেধাবী শিক্ষার্থীদের এককালীন চিকিৎসা অনুদান প্রদানের লক্ষ্যে ২০২৪-২৫ অর্থবছরের নভেম্বর-ডিসেম্বর প্রান্তে অনলাইনে আবেদন গ্রহণের বিজ্ঞপ্তি দিয়েছে প্রধানমন্ত্রীর
The Government of Sweden offers full-funded scholarships to international students to study postgraduate programs. The scholarship will be awarded to those selected under
Sweden offers free tuition to international students. Under the KTH Scholarship, students will get the opportunity to study in a postgraduate program at
Canada has announced the closure of the special visa program for students from 14 countries, showing the housing and resource crisis. However, the
The Institute of Foreign Cultural Relations (IFA) in Germany offers the opportunity to participate in a three-month cross-culture exchange program. CCP-2025 is sponsored
Canada is restricting the entry of foreign students as record numbers of immigrants arrive and the housing crisis worsens. Even the students who